Music: I Saw Mama Kissin’ Santa
Buck was in front of the
fireplace, helping his two eldest, nine year old Shining Star and six year old
Sleeps A Lot, pop popcorn. Kid shook his
head as he watched. He’d never seen a
boy live up, or was it down?, to his name more than Sleeps A Lot. At times Kid wondered if he were really Cody’s
son! Buck and both children were eating
more of the popcorn than was making it into the bowl, and laughing the entire
Kid’s eyes moved on to the rocker
in the corner. There, Standing Woman had
taken a seat and was gently rocking her newborn daughter, North Star, while
crooning a tune under her breath. Next
to Standing Woman two more infants, nine month old Jedediah Hunter McCloud and
Dawn Star’s one year old daughter Laughs A Lot, snoozed in a pair of identical
cradles along the wall. Every once in a
while Standing Woman would gently push one of the cradles with her foot to keep
it swaying.
As if saving the best for last,
Kid let his roving gaze come to rest on Lou.
In the last few years, her figure had ripened with pregnancies,
developing the bosoms she’d once feared she’d never get, much to both their
delight. She’d also grown her hair out.
Now, it hung in a tightly braided dark brown rope down her back. Kid’s countenance softened as he watched her,
sitting near the Christmas tree in a crosslegged position on the floor. She was teaching their eldest, two and a half
year old Jamie, as well as Standing Woman’s four year old son Shines Brightly
and Dawn Star’s three year old Wiggle Girl, how to string together what little popcorn
they could scavange from Buck and his crew with a needle and thread. Several completed strands of popcorn lay on
the floor around Lou and the pre-schoolers, waiting to be wrapped around the
Everywhere Kid looked people, his
family, were laughing, chattering and generally having a good time. He cleared his throat and everyone paused to
look in his direction. Kid said nothing,
just lifted an eyebrow in question.
Shining Star shoved the popcorn
popper she was holding into her father’s hands and rushed over to Kid, the rest
of the children on her heels.
“Uncle Kid! Uncle Kid!
Pa!” came the excited calls.
Bending over to pick up the two
youngest mobile children, Jamie and Wiggle Girl, Kid balanced one on each
“And just what can I do for you
fine folk this Christmas Eve?” he teased.
“Santy Claus!” Jamie yelled in
Kid’s ear, causing the man to wince a little.
“Sing the Christmas Song,” begged
Sleeps A Lot, using the Cross family’s term for the poem.
“The one with the big elf and the
‘deer,” added Shines Brightly.
“Pwease,” begged Wiggle Girl
“Well, I don’t know,” Kid smiled
as he moved slowly, so as not to step on the children clustered around his
feet, toward where Lou still sat near the tree smiling up at him. “I may need a little help. Can’t rightly remember how it starts.”
Even as Kid lowered himself to
the floor next to Lou, the children began shouting out lines from the favored
poem. Wiggle Girl softly patted her hand
against Kid’s chest to get his attention.
“T’wa… t’wa… t’was the night
befow Chwistmas,” she offered.
“I do believe you’re right, young
lady.” Kid smiled broadly as he felt Lou
snuggle up against him, resting one hand and her chin on his shoulder, her
breath tickling his ear. Her other hand
came to rest against Jamie’s back as he settled against his father. The other children gathered close, leaning in
with bated breath and eyes shining with excitement.
“T’was the night before
Christmas, and all through the house,” Kid began the annual recitation of the
Christmas poem he’d memorized at his mother’s knee as a child. It had always meant Christmas to him, and he
was glad to see it had come to mean as much to these children.
“And to all, a good night,” Kid
finished his performance, with all the children chorusing the last lines along
with him.
“All right,” Dawn Star said in a
firm tone. “It’s time for all you young’uns
to head for bed.”
Another tradition the Cross and
McCloud families had started was to all spend the night together at the Big
House, as they’d come to call the Cross home, on holidays. The tradition dated back to their first year
on the ranch, when the Big House had been the only house and they’d all lived
there together. Polly, Rachel, Janusz
and the children would join them the next day for Christmas dinner.
As the older children grabbed the
hands of the younger ones to lead them off to bed, six year old Sleeps A Lot
paused to tug on Lou’s sleeve.
“Yes?” she asked.
“Is the Santa Elf really real?”
he asked.
Lou turned startled eyes to her
husband, not sure how to answer the question.
Standing Woman came to her rescue.
“Is love real? Kindness?
Generosity?” she asked. Sleeps A
Lot nodded, as did the other children who were paying avid attention to the
conversation. “What about the wind?”
“Yes,” he said. “It’s real.”
“Where do they come from?”
“Ma’heo’o, The Great Spirit.”
“Santa Claus is just the *wasicus’
way of trying to put love, kindness and generosity into words they can
understand. He represents all the best
about this season and how we should act toward each other all the time.”
“But, is he real? Does he really come down our chimney and
leave presents for us?”
“He’s as real as you want him ta
be, darlin’,” Lou added.
“Now, off to bed with you lot,”
Buck said firmly. “Or there won’t be any
presents come mornin’, from Santa or anyone else!”
Under that threat, the children
scampered off with groans and smiles, headed for their beds. The three former Expess riders watched them
go, until the last child had disappeared up the stairs.
“Did you get it?” Buck asked
Lou nodded. “It’s in the barn.”
“Everything’s all set for the mornin’,”
Kid agreed with a smile.
Lou hummed the tune to <i>Silent Night</i> as she moved
slowly around the family room, setting things in place for the day’s
festivities. She couldn’t wait to give
Kid his present this year. It was his
favorite, she knew. A broad smile
crossed her face. She tried to wipe it
off with one hand, but bits and pieces remained around the edges of her eyes
and lips.
“So what’s got you up and
cheerful this early in the mornin’, Miss Slugabed,” a sly voice whispered into
her ear even as a pair of red clad arms that ended in white gloves circled her
waist, pulling her tight against a broad, hard chest.
“Oh,” she simpered, turning in
his arms to wrap her own around his neck, slipping them under the long, white
hairs of his wig and fake beard. “I
thought I’d do something nice to make up for how naughty I’ve been this year.”
“Is that so?” A pair of beautiful
blue eyes twinkled out at her from under the pointed red cap. “Your deed must be awful nice, then.”
“I think you’ll approve,” she
grinned up at him, pausing for a long moment to draw out the suspense. Then, she leaned up on her tip toes to
whisper in his ear, “But it’s gonna take me another six months or so to finish
As she pulled back, she grinned
at the puzzled gaze he leveled at her.
But she said nothing, simply watching the wheels turning in his head
until the last gear snapped into place and comprehension dawned. He stiffened in her arms in uncertain, yet
pleased, shock.
“You mean?”
She nodded her head, grabbing his white gloved
hand and pressing it against her still flat belly.
“Yahoo!” he shouted, tossing his
cap into the air, paying no attention to where it landed. He already had his hands full pulling Lou off
her feet and into a deep, intense kiss.
The couple was too caught up in
each other and their celebration to notice a toddler’s little face peaking
around the corner. His eyes widened at
the sight before h9im. His lower lip
started to tremble. Tears started coursing
down his cheeks. With a gasped sob, he
toddled back down the hall as fast as his little legs would take him, a fist
stuffed in his mouth.
A clatter of footsteps on the
stairs announced the arrival of the other children, awakened by the earlier
shout. In their excitement, they
trampled right past the fretful toddler like a herd of stampeding buffalo. They never noticed the teary eyed child.
“What’s wrong, little man?” Buck
asked, coming to a stop in front of Jamie.
Standing Woman and Dawn Star continued past them, following the children
down the hall and into the family room.
The little boy sucked in a
gasping breath and help up both arms.
“Unka Buck!” he demanded.
“Come on, then,” Buck said,
smiling softly as he gathered the child to him.
Jamie sniffled and buried his head in Buck’s shoulder.
“What say we go see what all the
commotion is about,” Buck suggested, already moving toward the family room.
“Santa! Santa!”
A chorus of joyful cheers greeted Buck and Jamie was they walked through
the door.
“Ho, ho, ho,” laughed the man
dressed in a bright red suit and tall, shiny black boots. He was standing next to the fireplace now
hung with stockings filled to overflowing.
“Merry Christmas!”
Turning to dig into the
busting-out-at-the-seams burlap bag on the floor next to him, he muttered, “Now,
let’s see… I do believe I have something in here for you boys and girls.”
A moment later he popped back up
with a gaily wrapped gift in each hand.
With shouted names, “Shining Star!”
“Sleeps A Lot!”, he started passing out the presents. Soon the room was filled with a blizzard of
tossed colored pieces of papers, shouts of gleeful surprise and smiles of joys.
“Looks like I’ve got one more
gift here,” the man in red said, walking toward Buck and Jamie, still standing
in the door. “Says it’s for a Jamie
McCloud. That must be you, young
man. I hear you’ve been a very good
little boy this year.”
He came to a stop right in front
of Buck and Jamie, the gift held out.
Jamie looked at him from behind a fringe of dark brown hair. Then he suddenly reached out and shoved the present
“No,” he mumbled. “Naughty!”
He buried his face again in Buck’s shoulder.
Buck’s bewildered eyes rose to
meet an equally confused pair of blue orbs.
The two shrugged and looked back at the upset boy.
“What’s wrong, Jamie?” Buck
asked. “You haven’t been naughty since
bedtime, have you?”
The boy shook his head without lifting
it, refusing to say another word. Buck
shifted the child in his arms so he could raise the boy’s chin and look him in
the eyes., “You know you can tell Uncle
Buck anything. So, out with it, young
man! What’s wrong?”
After a moment’s hard thought,
Jamie reached up and pulled Buck’s head down to
“Don’ wan’ Ma ta live at Nowth
Powl,” he whispered in Buck’s ear.
With an even more bemused frown,
Buck asked, “What makes you think yer Ma’s movin’ to the North Pole?”
“I saw her kissin’ Santy Cwaus,”
Jamie wailed. “’Neath the mistew-toe!”
Buck threw back his head and gave
his deep, belly laugh with a grin that split his face from ear to ear. Turning to the man in red, he held a
protesting Jamie toward him. “I think
you’ve got some explainin’ ta do, Santa Claus!”
Kid pulled the fake beard down
below his own chin as he wrapped his two large hands around his struggling son’s
body. “Hey! Hey!” he crooned to the upset child. “I don’t want Ma movin’ ta the North Pole,
At the sight fo his father’s
bared face, Jamie crowed with teary eyed delight and flung himself at Kid,
shouting, “Pa!”
“That’s right, my boy,” he
laughed. “And the only place Ma’s goin’
is home with you, me and Baby Jed tonight.”
Kid walked toward Lou, who was
seated in the rocker feeding Jed. The
tall man in the red suit spoke soothingly to Jamie with every step. As he sank to the floor at Lou’s feet, Kid
whispered one last thing in Jamie’s ear.
The toddler stood up and, flinging
his little arms wide, shouted at the top of his lungs, “Mewwy Chwistmas to
all. And to all, a Good Night!”
Such a lovely, sweet story, Pilarcita. I love it!!! You have composed such a beautiful picture out of the two families. Thanks for such a great gift.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas!!!