1 August 1876
I’m Yours, The Script (Buck)
Front Porch Looking In, Lonestar (Kid)
You Must Love Me, Evita Musical (Cody)
I’ll Still Be Me, Martina McBride (Lou)
Leave Out All The Rest, Linkin’ Park (Jimmy)
Buck collapsed forward in the
middle of the prayer circle. They had
set up this medicine wheel shortly after moving here, back in ’65, after the
war was over and the rest of his Express family had come home. It was the one part of their home they didn’t
share with Dawn Star. It was the one
place he still felt close to her. How?
How could she have done this
to him?
He’d known, when the Cheyenne Dog
Soldiers had ridden onto their ranch last spring, that something bad was going
to happen.
Against his better judgment
he’d agreed to act as negotiator for them with the Army.
He’d known then it wasn’t going to work.
It hadn’t.
He’d known when he rode away from
the Cheyenne camp, and
she’d insisted
on staying to help, that it was the last time he’d ever see

He’d known when
her father had ridden up to the big
house at the ranch two months ago.
known then what had happened, that
was gone forever.
His father-in-law
hadn’t had to say a word.
It had taken
only a look and he’d known.
What was he going to do now?
been not only his wife, his lover, but also his best friend and partner in
He didn’t know how to go on
“Why?” Buck whispered, one last
prayer in a long string that summer morning.
“Why did you have to take
from me?
How will I go on without
What am I supposed to do?
about me!”
A soft hand gently touched his
Buck looked up into the eyes
her sister, his second wife, Dawn
Tears tracked down her cheeks
matching the course they marked across his.
“You’re supposed to raise your
family,” she said sadly.
supposed to love those who love you.
They too are a gift from Ma’heo’o, the Great Earth Creator, just as
she was.”
Buck stared long into the eyes of
this woman who’d begun as nothing more than an inconvenience, a duty to
He’d married her only to
provide a home for her and her orphaned children.
He’d loved only her sister.
Yet, as the years had passed and
their relationship had deepened, he’d found a love in his heart for Dawn Star,
It wasn’t the same, all consuming
passionate love, as he’d had with
It was softer, gentler, yet, he suddenly
found, just as strong.
Strong enough to
give him the will to move on.
deeply into Dawn Star’s eyes, he saw the understanding there.
She, too, had lost the love of her life too
early, too young.
Yet, she’d found a way
to move on.
And, eventually, she’d
learned to love him.
I’m yours, he thought inanely to himself.
For so long he’d been torn between the love
he’d felt for both sisters.
feeling guilty that he couldn’t love one of them all-consumingly.
He’d had just a few short months with
her as his only wife, before Dawn Star
had joined the family.
He’d never had a
time when it was just him and Dawn Star.
It won’t be perfect, he
promised mentally,
but I’m all yours now.
Reaching out his hand, Buck
brushed the tears from Dawn Star’s face.
Hoarsely, he breathed, “We’ll do
it… together.”
She nodded in agreement, reaching
down a hand to him.
He took her hand and stood.
They slowly walked back to the house, arm in
It was time to get the children
ready for school.
“Alright, boys, hurry up and
finish these chores,” Kid said, setting aside the pitchfork he’d been using to
toss hay down to his three sons who were busily mucking out the horse
“I’ve gotta go check on yer Ma
and sister and get supper started.”
“Sure, Pa,” ten year old Jamie
“I’ll make sure it gets done
Kid smiled at his eldest
Climbing down out of the hayloft,
he paused next to the stall where Jamie was helping seven year old Willie.
Leaning against the stall door, Kid sternly
warned, with a smile, “Just don’t turn into a bossy know-it-all, young man.”
“Yes, Pa,” Jamie drawled with a
put upon grimace.
Nodding, Kid turned and headed
for the barn doors, his eyes moving to the last stall by the tackroom.
There his middle son, eight year old Jed, had
set aside the shovel he’d been using to clean the stall.
He was cuddled up next to his horse,
Quasimodo, whispering in the gelding’s ear.
Kid smiled.
That horse was Jed’s
best friend right now.
The boy was the
quietest of the three, but felt things much more deeply than the other
He reminded Kid of the way Lou’d
been when they’d first met.
Lou swore Jed was just like
Kid, always having to think things to death.
Kid cleared his throat to get the
boy’s attention.
“Better get a move on
with this, young man,” he smiled, with a gently chiding tone to his voice.
“I’m headed in to get supper ready.
You wouldn’t wanta miss out just ‘cause you
were still working out here.”
Jed looked up, brushing his bangs
out of his eyes.
He nodded as he stood
and wiped his palms on his pants before reaching for the discarded shovel.
Kid shook his head and continued
to move out of the barn toward the house.
Looking around the yard, he marveled at all he had.
They had.
He, Lou and Buck had built a thriving horse ranch over the last decade.
Between contracts with the Army and cattle
ranches scattered from Texas to Wyoming, they’d become the most prosperous
citizens in Rock Springs.
He almost
couldn’t believe their good fortune.
that preacher in Davenport had told them, oh so long ago, they were
Walking up the front steps of the
porch, Kid paused to peer in through the window.
The small cabin he and Lou had built with
their own hands, and a little help from their friends, back in ’66 had grown
over the years, even as their family had grown.
It now stood two stories tall, with the boys sharing a large loft room
The downstairs was made up of
the living room, kitchen/dining room and the master bedroom.
They’d have to add on again in another year
or so, Kid thought with a rueful grin.
The three boys had come along
fairly quickly, within a four year span.
But, after Willie’s birth, Lou’d had three miscarriages.
She’d started taking something Standing Woman
gave her to prevent pregnancy and they’d given up on having any more children,
contenting themselves with corralling the three hellraisers they’d already
Catching sight of Lou sitting in
her rocking chair near the fireplace, Kid smiled.
This last pregnancy had come as quite a
surprise to both of them.
And their
newborn daughter had been an even bigger surprise.
After three boys, they’d just naturally
assumed this latest child would also be male.
But little Mary Margaret, named for both their mothers, had become the
center of all their lives in the scant two weeks she’d been on this earth.
Pushing the front door open, Kid
sauntered into the living room.
looked across the room at him, smiling that special smile she had only for him,
even as she put their daughter to her breast.
“Supper time?”
“Yes,” he smiled.
“How’re my two ladies doin’?”
She’d had a lot of difficulties with this
last pregnancy and had ended up taking the last month off from her job as
In fact, Kid would be going
into town tonight to check on her deputies for her.
He could see the dark circles under her eyes
and knew she was weaker than she’d been after the boys’ births.
“I’m gettin’ stronger,” she said
quietly, reaching down to gently stroke Mary’s round cheek.
“And this little one is certainly doing her
best to let me rest up.
We’ve never had
a better behaved baby.”
“That’s ‘cause she’s savin’ all
her troublemakin’ fer when she gets older,” Kid joked, walking across the room
to press a soft kiss on Lou’s upraised lips.
Reaching out, he cupped a hand around Mary’s head.
“Just like her Ma,” he whispered
in Lou’s ear before skedaddling out of the room while the getting was good,
accompanied by the sounds of Lou’s sputtering outrage.
Kid spent the next several
minutes assembling leftovers into sandwiches for them all.
He smiled as he heard Lou start humming an
old Irish lullaby to little Mary Margaret.
A short time later, he stepped back into the living room to tell Lou
supper was ready, only to find her asleep in the rocker, her head tilted to the
Smiling, he tiptoed over to her
and picked her up, baby and all, and carried her to their bedroom, where he lay
her on their bed.
She needed her
Taking a softly snoozing Mary
Margaret in his arms, he covered Lou with a quilt and slipped out.
With Mary in one arm and a basket
full of sandwiches and lemonade in the other, Kid strode out to the barn.
“Boys, supper!” he
“What do you say ‘bout a
picnic tonight?”
The boys erupted with cheers,
hooting and hollering their joy.
“Shhhh!” Kid warned.
“We don’t wanna wake yer Ma.
She needs her sleep.”
This instantly quieted all three
“Why don’t we take this young
lady and the food down to the creek,” he suggested.
“That way, after you eat, you can get in some
And get cleaned up at the same time, he thought smiling to himself.
In no time, the three tumbleweeds
he called sons were rushing down the well-trod path to the creek.
Watching them run and play, Kid once again
marveled at how well life had turned out.
His beautiful wife at his side, helping him raise this wonderful
A ranch that was doing well, allowing
them to provide everything the children needed.
Four healthy children who would never know the troubles he and Lou had
survived growing up.
Life was good.

“You’ve got some nerve, Mr. Cody,” she hissed
at him as she stomped up the stairs to their room.
“Thinking you can drop in and out of our
lives on a whim! Leaving me to do all the hard work of raising our children on
my own!
Then expecting me to be a wife
to you?
When you even remember you have
a wife!”
She whirled around, her skirts
flying around her legs, eyes sparking fire, as she paused in the open bedroom
Still keeping her voice quiet, so
as not to wake the girls, she glared at him.
“You can just go back downstairs and sleep on the couch.
Or better yet, why don’t you head out to the
saloons and find yourself some whore to take comfort in. You’ll get none from
me tonight.”
With a sob, Louisa slammed the
door in Cody’s face.
He sighed, dropping
his forehead to rest against the door that was supposed to bar the world from
their love but instead was barring him from her.
“I miss him, too,” he whispered.
Cody slowly slumped to the floor, leaning
back against the bedroom door, trying to figure out how he’d gotten to this
Things had been going so well.
They had three beautiful children, Kit, his
beloved son, and the two girls, Arta and Orra.
He was just starting to get his Wild West Show, his lifelong dream, up
and running.
But, Louisa hadn’t liked
the travel, so he’d bought this house in Rochester for her and left her behind.
That had been his mistake, he
thought grumpily.
Standing he started to
stalk back down the stairs.
Soon, he was
in the small stable behind the house saddling up his horse.
He didn’t know where he was going or what he
was going to do.
He just knew he needed
to get outside, feel a horse underneath him and the wind in his hair.
Soon, he was galloping down the
city street, his horse’s hooves pounding against the cobblestones as he headed
out of town.
He rode for hours, thinking
and grieving.
He’d barely made it back to
Rochester in time.
He’d gotten the
telegram from Louisa that Kit was deathly ill and headed straight for
He’d arrived with just minutes to
spare, rushing up the stairs to Kit’s room, only to gather his beautiful boy
into his arms as the six year old breathed his last.

He’d wanted to shake him, slap
him, demand that he wake up, much as he had with Noah, all those years
You’d think death would get easier
as the years went by.
In some ways it
He’d lost many friends during the
War and had gotten used to dealing with it.
But, Teaspoon had been right, losing a child, a son, was different.
It was a whole separate magnitude of pain.
After Kit’s death he’d stayed
with Louisa, letting his partners handle the Show for him, as they’d
Yet, the closer he’d tried to
get, the more he’d tried to comfort her, the more she’d gotten angry at
He just didn’t know what to do.
She saw him laugh or smile at
something the girls said or with friends and neighbors and thought he’d moved
on, forgotten the pain.
Even after all
this time, she didn’t truly understand him, he thought.
His joking, smiling façade was just that, a
front put on for the world to mask just how much he cared about things.
Only his Express family had ever truly
understood him.
At that thought, Cody pulled his
horse to a sudden halt.
He sat there
thinking for a moment.
It had been years
since he’d seen them.
Oh, they wrote
regularly, especially Lou, Emma and Rachel, but that wasn’t the same.
He always felt so calm, so centered, after
spending time with them.
Maybe it was
time to head West again.
He could do
some work for the Show, gather performers and animals, and visit his family at
the same time.
Nodding to himself, Cody decided,
yes, he’d head West.
And, like it or
not, he was taking Louisa and the girls with him.
A little fresh air and exercise away from the
city would be good for the girls and, maybe, getting away from the site of
their pain would be good for him and Louisa.
Turning his horse around, William
F. ‘Buffalo Bill’ Cody finally knew where he was going from here.
He was headed home.

A small whimper near her ear
roused Lou from her deep slumber.
Blinking in the dark, she wondered for a moment where she was and how
she’d gotten there.
For an instant, she
was back in the days when waking up in a strange place meant bad things.
Then a belovedly familiar arm tightened
around her and she realized she was at home, in the bed she’d shared with Kid
for a decade now.
That sound was her
precious baby girl.
Lou smiled and reached down to
grab Kid’s hand, resting at her waist, and bring it up to her mouth for a quick
kiss before slipping out from under it and out of the bed.
Leaning over, she gathered the waking infant
from the cradle.
Holding her daughter
close, Lou walked over to the rocker in the corner of the room and sat down,
slowly unbuttoning her nightgown.
As little Mary Margaret latched
on with the ferocious hunger of a newborn, Lou leaned her head against the back
of the rocking chair.
She smiled and ran
a hand along the worn finish of one arm of the rocker.
Kid had made both this one and the identical chair
in the living room when Jamie had been born.
She’d used them with all three of the boys but had avoided sitting in
them for several years now, trying to accept there would never be any more
babies, never be a little girl for her to raise.
Lou laughed quietly to
It was hard to imagine now that
that tomboy of so many years ago would spend so much time longing for a
daughter, but that was exactly what had happened.
She’d changed in so many ways.
Ways that had once scared her so much she’d
found herself running as far and fast from Kid as she could.
She’d run until the pain of separation had
become worse than the fear of losing herself in him.
Looking out the window at the
sound of hoofbeats, she saw Buck riding in.
He must’ve switched shifts with Kid, who was supposed to be in town
tonight at the Marshal’s office.
shook her head in worry.
Poor Buck was
grieving so hard and she didn’t know how to help him.
It was just like the way he’d been after
Ike’s death and, to an extent, Noah’s.
Time and a loving family were all they could offer him.
Especially as they all were feeling their own
pain over the loss.
So much had changed, yet so much
stayed the same.
She’d been a little
girl, afraid of everything when she’d come to the Express.
Once she’d found her family there, she’d been
unwilling to let any of them out of her sight for an instant.
She’d been so afraid of what might happen to
them if she wasn’t there to protect them.
When Kid had asked her to marry
him and she’d accepted, her biggest fear had been losing herself in him.
That she’d cease to be her own person, the
Express rider who could fight and ride and play just as hard as any of the
That she’d become some wheyfaced
woman without a name of her own, known simply as Mrs. Kidd, who did nothing but
keep the house clean and the kids fed and well-behaved.
Switching Mary from one breast to
another, Lou smiled down at her daughter.
“You’ll never have to worry about
that, my dear,” she whispered.
In the
years since marrying Kid, she’d learned she could still be herself.
The things that made Louise ‘Lou’ were still
there, even if how she expressed some of them had changed over the years.
After changing the baby’s diaper
and putting her back to bed, Lou found herself once again drawn to the
Standing there, she looked out
over their ranch, thinking about life and how the more things changed the more
they stayed the same.
“Everythin’ alright,” Kid asked,
wrapping his arms around her from behind.
Lou leaned back into his embrace,
even as he sleepily nuzzled her neck.
“Just thinkin’.”
“Now there’s a dangerous thing,”
he teased.
“You thinkin’.
So, what weighs so heavy on yer mind
“How I’ve grown up over these
last few years, both of us really, but I’m still me.”
She turned in his arms, wrapping hers around
his neck.
“You know that was the thing
that scared me the most ‘bout marryin’ you?
But, I’m still Lou McCloud, that young ‘boy’ who rode for the Express.”
“Prettiest rider Russel, Majors
and Waddel never knew they had,” Kid whispered in her ear, his growing whiskers
tickling her. “Come on.
You need yer
sleep, Lou.
Ya’ve got a ‘run’ in the
With a smile, she let him lead
her by the hand back to their big bed.

Jimmy sighed as he picked up the
pen and looked at the blank sheet of paper in front of him.
He squinted for a moment, trying to make the
sight before him clear up.
When that
didn’t work, he reached over and turned up the wick of the nearby kerosene
lamp, shedding more light on the desk.
Rubbing his eyes, he bent and put pen to paper.
He’d only left Agnes a couple
months ago to come north to the Dakota Territory to get a grubstake for
Oh, she had money but he couldn’t
handle living off his wife.
It just went
against the grain.
But, if he’d realized
just how much he’d miss her, he might never have left.
Sighing again, he paused in his
efforts to survey what he’d written.
it weren’t a letter to Agnes, he’d just scrap the whole thing. It was full of
mush and love, when it wasn’t all maudlin ‘I miss you’ sentiments.
Gunshots outside his window
caught his attention.
He looked out to
see what was going on, but again the world turned too blurry for him to make
out details.
He was seriously
considering using another name, as Emma had suggested when the doctors had
diagnosed his eye problems as incurable.
He was very worried about some gunslinger calling him out now.
For the first time in his life James Butler
Hickok truly knew what it was to fear.
Not only for his life, but for those he’d leave behind him.
He couldn’t win in a gunfight anymore, except
by luck.
Looking back down at the letter,
Jimmy decided to add one more paragraph.
“Agnes Darling, if such should be we never
meet again, while firing my last shot, I will gently breathe the name of my
wife — Agnes — and with wishes even for my enemies I will make the plunge and
try to swim to the other shore.”
He just
hoped she’d remember the good things about him, not all the things he’d screwed
up with her over the years.
With a
flourish, Jimmy signed his name and slowly blew the ink dry. He’d post the letter in the morning, he
thought, then head to the saloon and find a good poker game. With gunfighting and lawkeeping no longer a
means to an honest living, the card table was his only option left.
out the light in the kerosene lamp, James Butler Hickok lay down on the hard
boarding house bed and closed his eyes in sleep.
Hi Pilarcita:
ReplyDeleteBeautiful story. You capture the characters' personality so perfectly. The contrast between the happiness in Kid and Lou's life in common and Buck and Cody is very well portrayed. I love the last part about Jimmy. The thing about his poor eyesight... is that true? I mean, did you find out that information about the real James Butler Hickock or did you use your imagination?
Thanks again for this beautiful story.
The thing about Jimmy's eyesight is historical fact. He was diagnosed with glaucoma and opthalmia about a year before his death by a doctor in Kansas City. His detractors claimed his eye problems were a result of cavorting with loose women, but it was a common problem of the time, probably due to poor nutrition.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I didn't know that. This year I've been visiting the specialist doctor in glaucoma for my eyesight. I don't really have a glaucoma but my eye pressure rocketed twice this year, so I had to follow a treatment because apparently high eye pressure can cause glaucoma. I'm okay now, but I have to go back to the doctor for a checkup at the beginning of the new year.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the information!
You're welcome!
ReplyDeleteMy mom had a similar problem last year. I hope things work out well for you. :)
As for Jimmy, I started seriously researching him back in high school on a trip to the Old West.